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General Analysis Software


The below table lists some of the 3rd party analysis software available at the center.  In most cases to use the software you would just add the given path (or that path with “/bin” or version # or both appended — take a look at what is in the path) to your shell PATH to use the software.  Or run using the full path to the binary.

Software Name Last Updated NMR Path Maintainer Instructions
AFNI 5/22/2023 /usr/pubsw/packages/AFNI help@nmr Installed version 23.1.05
ANTs 1/21/2020 /usr/pubsw/packages/ANTS help@nmr Installed version 2.3.4
ATPP_GUI 6/7/2017 /usr/pubsw/packages/ATPP help@nmr Installed version 2.1.0
BART Toolbox 10/17/2017 /usr/pubsw/packages/bart help@nmr Installed version 0.4.01
BASIL 4/11/18 /usr/pubsw/packages/oxford_asl help@nmr /usr/pubsw/packages/oxford_asl/README.txt
Caffe 11/25/2015 /usr/pubsw/packages/caffe help@nmr
DicomBrowser 10/21/2015 /usr/pubsw/bin/dicombrowser gwarner
Docker On select machines upon request help@nmr Docker @ Martinos
DSI Studio 9/3/2021 /usr/pubsw/packages/DSI-Studio help@nmr
fMRIPrep 10/10/2023 /usr/pubsw/packages/fmriprep/ help@nmr Built Singularity version 23.1.4
Freesurfer weekly /usr/local/freesurfer fsdev http://www.freesurfer.net/fswiki/InternalFreeSurferDistributions
FSL 12/30/2020 /usr/pubsw/packages/fsl help@nmr https://fsl.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/fsl/fslwiki/FslInstallation/ShellSetup
FSLeyes 1/7/2019 /usr/pubsw/packages/FSLeyes help@nmr Installed version 0.27.0
heudiconv 2/27/2020 /usr/pubsw/packages/heudiconv help@nmr Latest Singularity build is heudiconv_0.8.0.sif
ITK 10/30/2014 /usr/pubsw/packages/itk http://itk.org/ITK/resources/resources.html
Mathematica 7/20/15 /usr/pubsw/bin/mathematica help@nmr
Matlab 4/10/2018 /usr/pubsw/bin/matlab (/cluster/matlab) help@nmr
Mendeley 6/5/2018 /usr/pubsw/bin/mendeleydesktop help@nmr Installed version 1.19
MRIcron 3/19/2015 /usr/pubsw/packages/MRIcron
MRtrix3 5/11/2023 /usr/pubsw/packages/mrtrix help@nmr
occiput 7/9/2015 /usr/pubsw/packages/occiput occiput@nmr
picasso 10/27/16 /usr/pubsw/packages/picasso
PPI Toolbox 4/11/2014 /usr/pubsw/common/spm/spm8/toolbox/PPPI/ mclaren
Python see list /usr/pubsw/packages/python martinos-python http://freesurfer.net/fswiki/DevelopersGuide/NMRCenterPython/UsersGuide
R 3/12/2024 /usr/pubsw/packages/R help@nmr http://r-project.org (latest installed 4.3.3)
Singularity 1/22/2020 /usr/bin/singularity help@nmr Singularity @ Martinos
Slicer 2/25/2019 /usr/pubsw/packages/slicer/ help@nmr http://slicer.org/slicerWiki/index.php/Main_Page
SlicerSALT 8/1/2017 /usr/pubsw/bin/SlicerSALT help@nmr http://salt.slicer.org/docs/
SPM 2/21/2018 /usr/pubsw/common/spm aschultz Installed version 7219
TORTOISE 6/28/2017 /usr/pubsw/packages/TORTOISE mhibert Installed version 3.0.0
Workbench 6/28/2017 /usr/pubsw/packages/workbench help@nmr Installed version 1.2.3
vtk /usr/pubsw/packages/vtk fsdev

You can see many other packages if you just do “ls /usr/pubsw/packages” but if not listed above they are even less likely to be well maintained.

We will give “best effort” to make a general install of most packages requested.  In general we do not proactively update till someone asks for a new version.  Also many packages are maintained by volunteers or, as in the case of Freesurfer, the actual developers.  MATLAB, R, AFNI and FSL are the packages the IT support group is most on top of.

Please note you cannot install OS packages (RPM/apt-get/YUM/dpkg/…) as a non-root user.  However most of these tools have GITHUB repos that let you build them in your own lab directories.  Building can very from trivial to near impossible depending on what other package/library dependecies they have.  And a lot of tools also are installable using your own Python Anaconda distribution.

If the package distributes a *.zip file or something called a tarball (*.tar.gz or *.tgz) those can usually be extracted using ‘unzip’ or ‘tar’ command to your own lab directories to run from there too.  However, depending on where the binaries were built they may not run on our CentOS/Rocky systems and need to be built from code.  This is most likely the case if you get unfound shared library errors.